Who is that man with greying
hair, who enters alone, appendix to the flock finds a pew unoccupied in the
South Aisle, restricted of view, does not kneel or seem to know the patterns of
worship, says "no" to collection by simpering and showing an empty
hand, appears baffled when the faithful are invited to extend peace, and then
keeps staring throughout the final hymn, surprised, pensive, at the back of the
head of the woman who turned around to shake his hand?
I am that man.
Yearly, the squire calls at my house, exhorts continued fealty
By renewing my subscription to the parish magazine.
Dearly dunned, and by no compulsion other than my frailty,
I have come to this service at midnight, grateful for the screen
Of ramified arches. I nearly stayed at home.
I am that man.
Yearly, the squire calls at my house, exhorts continued fealty
By renewing my subscription to the parish magazine.
Dearly dunned, and by no compulsion other than my frailty,
I have come to this service at midnight, grateful for the screen
Of ramified arches. I nearly stayed at home.
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